Hello guys, today i am going to tell you an ultimate secret on how to bypass start relay on refrigerator. I got this trick from my uncle who is an engineer in HVAC and have been working there for 20 years. He told me that whenever he was on a call, the customer always asked […]
How Long Do You Have to Wait to Put Food in a New Refrigerator?
Have you purchased a new refrigerator for your household? This is great news! Now you must be thinking about when you can start exploring the different functions that your refrigerator has to offer. The basic function of your refrigerator is to preserve your cooked and raw food items. Wondering when you can put food inside […]
Does Unplugging a Refrigerator Damage it?
You are all set to step outside of your house for your vacation when you realise you don’t know what to do with your refrigerator. Should you unplug it? Should you keep it plugged? Let’s consider two scenarios. If your vacation would extend for more than a month or two, then you need to plug […]
Best Extension Cords For Refrigerator
In the contemporary world of advanced technologies coming up as the time passes, the tasks of our everyday lives have become much easier and comfortable. But, apart from this comfort, it brings along an additional concern of ensuring that you use the devices in the proper and safety conscious manner. We use many equipment in […]
Fridge vs Refrigerator || Is there a difference?
Technology has entered every sphere of lives with the world becoming more modernized day-by-day. And the kitchen is definitely not an exception to this advancement. New developments in the field of technology pertaining to different uses keeps on emerging with the passage of time to make the lives of people much more convenient. One such […]